Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 2nd

Happy late Thanksgiving! sister G and I actually forgot it was Thanksgiving until halfway through the day! It was such a crazy week, we just totally lost track of time! We got to go to the temple (hooray!) and had a mini missionary come with us for the past weekend to lessons! Her name was Sister R. She is 18 and really wants to go on a mission. She spoke absolutely NO chinese, so teaching was a little interesting haha, but she loved GQing and said that it was one of the best experiences she ever had. She told us she is going to start her papers this week and hopefully be gone by next march! 

On another note, Sister G and I have really rediscovered the beauty of chocolate advent calenders. In November, we found some "One Direction" ones at the supermarket last month and were going to save them for December. However, shortly after we wondered upon some Cadbury chocolate ones on super sale. So, we made our "One Direction" calenders into November calenders and are just busting open the Cadbury. We are thinking of getting 12 more of them at the store and just having a calender every month this year. Boom. 

I was reading a couple days ago in Jesus the Christ about some parables that Jesus used in His teachings. Two of the parables that especially caught my attention were the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the pearl of great price. The parable of the hidden treasure is about a man who wonders across a hidden treasure. He takes the treasure and happily sells all that he has to buy the land the treasure was on. The second was about a merchant who has been searching for pearls and collected many over the years. He finally finds a pearl of great price, better than all the ones he has found before, and happily sells all his other pearls for the great pearl. Christ compares the treasure in the first parable and the pearl of great price in the second to the Gospel. The men in the parables represent those who find the Gospel. The mens' methods of finding their treasure is very different. One man wonders across the treasure. He was not searching for anything, but accepted it gladly when it came. The other man, the merchant, had been searching diligently and when he found what he was looking for, he was willing to give up everything he had spent years acquiring for what he found. I really feel like I have seen both of these type of people on my mission. Some just wander upon the Gospel and recognize it as something they need. Others have been searching before they find and accept the truth. However, the defining characteristic of these people is, like the two men in the parable, they are willing to give up everything to have the Gospel and, because of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ can benefit their life. 

Love you all! I hope thanksgiving was amazing and that this holiday season will one filled with miracles! 

-Sister Bennion


HAAAAAAAPPPY BIIIRRRTHDAYYY! I hope that you are having an absolutely fantastic day! I can't believe you are already 13! So dang old! And I can't believe catching fire is already out! Next year: you, me, a huge bag of popcorn, and catching fire. It's a date. I'm super excited. 

How was thanksgiving?? Did you guys go to the farm or stay in Medford? How many pieces of cheesecake did you eat? Are you reading a book as a family? Give me all the important details. 

It is so cool that you are learning about Japan now too! I was not able to receive your story sadly, because cannot get Google docs :( 

I was just reading in 2 Nephi 2 and I ran into a verse that I really loved! It states:

 28 And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the greataMediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;

 I especially like the line "be faithful on his words and CHOOSE eternal life." Our eternal happiness really depends on the choices we make every day. Some small choices, such as whether or not we read scriptures, whether or not we pray, or whether or not we choose to forgive and love those around us, all builds up to how we will answer the ultimate question that we will eventually have to report to God: whether or not we love our Savior enough to listen to his words and follow his commandments. So choose today and every day to become a little better, a little kinder, and a little closer to obtaining eternal life! 

Love you so much Emma! I really hope this year is one of miracles for you! I think about and pray for you often! 

-Sister Sarah Bennion


I'm sorry I could not answer this email last week. It made me miss you too much. BUT, I just wanted to let you know I absolutely love you! and I already bought you a Christmas present for next year haha. Hope that everything is going great and expect a letter soon!! 
Ahhh and I sensed that Po was one fry short of a happy meal. Its good to know that someone has taken the place of good old DC. Except, since DC stands for Dumb Cat, would Po be DD? Or Double D? Who knows. 
-Sister Bennion

P.S Dis is Peggy. I like your hair. Me and Mandy in cohorts. No, Peggy, you rapscallion! 

First pair of shoes bite the dust!
Temple Day!

Why have an Advent calendar for ONLY December?

Splits with a Mini Missionary!

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